Dr. Phyllis Jones: Recipe for Success

Dexter Middle School Love The purpose of anything done during the school day is to improve student achievement. Compassion Teachers participate in weekly Professional Learning Community (PLC) Meetings. Competency School leaders, PLC Coach and teachers meet regularly to analyze and discuss data as well as develop action plans. Hard Work Ongoing Parent Communication…conferences, emails, phone calls, and bi-weekly newsletters New teachers receive ongoing support from school leaders, mentors, learning coaches, and the Performance Improvement Team. New and veteran … Read More

Danon Hooper: Recipe for Success

Lakeview Elementary The entire staff of Lakeview School is extremely proud and honored to be recognized by the Education Consumers Foundation for our Value Added gains. Lakeview School is a rural community Pre-8 school.  This year we have 358 students of which 49.1% are Economically Disadvantaged. The majority of our students are brought to school and taken home by their parents or other family members each day. Only about 1/3 of our students ride one of our two … Read More

Debbie Edens: Recipe for Success

East Middle School At East Middle School, administrators, teachers, staff, and parents work together to create a student-friendly atmosphere that makes learning a great experience.   We believe in academic excellence and have identified academics as a priority.  Our teachers have a can-do spirit that keeps our students motivated and wanting to be successful in school. To ensure that all students have a high quality education, we expose them to many programs in the school that focus on individual … Read More

JB Smith: Recipe for Success

Bridgeforth Middle School The Bridgeforth Middle School family believes that high achievement is the result of high standards and expectations.  These expectations begin at the top with Principal, Mr. J. B. Smith, III, and continue with teachers and students.  Constant monitoring of a myriad of components creates a feeling of unity among our school community and a desire for every single student to reach his or her potential. The key to our success is having a strong administrative … Read More

Joe Thompson: Recipe for Success

Black Fox Elementary Theodore Roosevelt said it best “No one cares how much you know, until they know how much you care.” Black Fox cares! It shows everyday in the classrooms with a wonderful and powerful positive environment that is safe and conducive to learning and is the platform for our success. We evaluate every student in the school on both their academic and social/ emotional needs in monthly meetings with teachers, staff and Central Office personnel. It … Read More

Tammy Hoover: Recipe for Success

Baxter Elementary I truly believe that there is no greater profession than that of teaching, molding young minds and spirits.  As principal of an elementary school that serves 64.92% of students who are economically disadvantaged, I am extremely proud and honored to receive this award. Every school has its own story to tell.  At Baxter Elementary, we believe students are unique individuals with different learning styles.  We believe data driven instruction and small group differentiation leads to academic … Read More

Sandra Burchette: Recipe for Success

Newport Grammar School Established in 1898, Newport Grammar School (NGS) has provided a challenging academic curriculum for over one hundred years and has continued to strive for excellence throughout its existence. NGS is a one school system with an actively involved school board and director. Enrollment at NGS is approximately 770 students from Pre-K through Grade 8. The school’s administrators and teachers collect and analyze data from benchmarks and TVAAS results to develop a curriculum to reinforce areas … Read More

Renee Bernard: Recipe for Success

McPheeter’s Bend Elementary There are many factors that contribute to the success of McPheeter’s Bend Elementary. We have had excellent Value-Added scores for many years, but still strive to achieve more. I strongly believe Todd Whitaker’s stance that it is “People not Programs” that is the core of our success. The faculty and staff of McPheeter’s Bend Elementary School work together as a team to improve student achievement.   Every day begins with a 120 minute reading/literacy block. During … Read More

Teresa Leonard: Recipe for Success

Boones Creek Elementary The Recipe for Success at Boones Creek Elementary involves various aspects of the student academic program and learning environment. Boones Creek Elementary fosters the following practices in order to align the classroom curriculum: Teachers participate in Professional Learning Communities in order to discuss student strengths and weaknesses. Interventions are planned and coordinated on a daily basis. Teachers use best practices with higher- order thinking and problem solving strategies to reinforce skills taught. Time-on-task is a … Read More

Beth Roeder: Recipe for Success

Andersonville Elementary School Motto:  “I am AMAZING!  Today I will be respectful, responsible and ready to learn.  I will do nothing less than my best!” Andersonville Elementary School’s  mission is to guide, reach and support all students to achieve their personal best.  We consider these our three pillars of success. At AES we have been astonished at how well these three pillars have fit into the programs we offer as well as those we hope to implement in … Read More

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