Dexter Middle School


  • The purpose of anything done during the school day is to improve student achievement.


  • Teachers participate in weekly Professional Learning Community (PLC) Meetings.


  • School leaders, PLC Coach and teachers meet regularly to analyze and discuss data as well as develop action plans.

Hard Work

  • Ongoing Parent Communication…conferences, emails, phone calls, and bi-weekly newsletters
  • New teachers receive ongoing support from school leaders, mentors, learning coaches, and the Performance Improvement Team. New and veteran teachers participate in weekly professional development and faculty meetings.
  • School leaders inspect what they expect and everyone is held accountable.
  • Maximize instructional time…quick and smooth transition, scheduled/supervised restroom breaks, and bell-to-bell learning.
  • Alternative discipline consequences are assigned as appropriate in an effort to keep students in school as much as possible. Example:  Friday Detention (held after school)
  • Extend the learning beyond the regular school day…before and after school tutoring and Saturday School.
  • The principal retains assistant principals that allow her to build capacity and seeks advise/support from the district office as necessary.
  • The staff participates in ongoing cultural competency training. Dexter Middle School has a partnership with Facing History and Ourselves (Memphis).
  • Celebrate ALL successes!!

Serves:  ALL Children