Left Back: A Century of Failed School Reforms

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Diane Ravitch (2000) For the past one hundred years, Americans have argued and worried about the quality of their schools. Some have charged that students were not learning enough, while others have complained that the schools were not in the forefront of social progress. In this authoritative history of education in the twentieth century, historian Diane Ravitch describes this ongoing battle of ideas and explains why school reform has so often failed. “Left Back” recounts grandiose efforts by … Read More

Institutional Reports for Preparation of Teachers

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Louisiana Board of Regents (2013) Louisiana has been reporting on the effectiveness of training programs since 2000. https://regents.la.gov/divisions/planning-research-and-academic-affairs/academic-affairs/teacher-education-initiatives/teacher-preparation-transformation-1-0-and-2-0/teacher-preparation-transformation-1-0-1999-2012/teacher-preparation-education-policy-and-guidelines/institutional-reports-for-preparation-of-teachers/

Report Card on the Effectiveness of Teacher Preparation Programs

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Tennessee Higher Education Commission (2013) Teacher training may be the single most important contributor teacher effectiveness but few states actually measure the student achievement gains produced by the graduates of their teacher preparation programs. Tennessee and Louisiana are the exceptions. The Praxis Examinations long used by state teacher licensure agencies have little demonstrated relationship to student achievement gains ( Buddin & Zamarro , RAND, 2009) http://www.tn.gov/thec/Divisions/fttt/13report_card/1_Report%20Card%20on%20the%20Effectiveness%20of%20Teacher%20Training%20Programs.pdf

RAND: Teachers matter more to student achievement than any other aspect of schooling.

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RAND (2014) Value-added measures of teaching and schooling in Tennessee and elsewhere affirm that effective teaching is indispensable to improved student achievement. Schools and districts with top performing teachers are the ones that do the most to lift the achievement of their students. Schools and districts with an overload of low performing teachers can put even advantaged students at risk by letting them slide away from the excellence of which they are capable. https://www.rand.org/education-and-labor/projects/measuring-teacher-effectiveness/teachers-matter.html

Charter School Research & Advocacy

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Center for Education Reform (2014) “Charter schools do not inevitably succeed but they do incentivize better teaching and learning, and they do push competing public schools to improve.  Charters played a key role in Newark and the The Center for Education Reform can provide numerous other examples of success.” https://www.edreform.com/issues/choice-charter-schools/

2012 VAAA – South Side Elementary School

[custom_frame_left shadow=”on”][/custom_frame_left] Third Place, West Division, K-8/Middle Schools Neal Wright, Principal 29855 Highway 104, South Reagan, TN 38368 Henderson County Schools Visit website Recipe For Success: The secret to our success at South Side Elementary School is willing students that are eager to learn and  a dedicated staff that strive to provide a positive, encouraging and productive environment that enhances learning.  Our staff works closely together to share new learning skills that will benefit our students.  Test scores are … Read More

Funnix Computer-Based Instruction that Produces Catch-Up Growth

posted in: General Information

New: Implementation Grants for Schools Funnix Reading Instruction Funnix is a web-based reading instruction program that you can access with your computer.  The program contains a carefully sequenced series of small lessons based on the thoroughly researched Direct Instruction reading curriculum.  It is inexpensive, effective, requires no teaching experience and is accessible anywhere from any location in the world. Funnix was designed for use by parents, but can be used by classroom aides, trained volunteers, and teachers with up … Read More

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