ECF on Teacher Quality: 2013 and Earlier

Teaching is a highly trained and regulated profession; yet despite all of its rules, standards, enforcement agencies and oversight bodies, the performance of many practicing teachers is so poor as to be detrimental to students.  The reason is that the evaluative process is largely controlled by the profession to suit its own standards—not those of the parents and taxpayers that it serves.  One effect of this self-regulated process is that the public’s priorities are not necessarily those of … Read More

New Op-Ed by Lisa Keegan and J. E. Stone Asks: “Are Newly Trained Teachers Really Prepared for the Classroom?”

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The head of the Education Breakthrough Network and that of the Education Consumers Foundation ask whether children are adequately protected from poorly trained new teachers. A study of Tennessee data shows that up to 1/3 of new teachers are among the least effective in the state and linked to inadequate academic growth in their students. Read it here on The Daily Caller. 

Reversing American Decline

From A Nation at Risk, 1983:  “We report to the American people that while we can take justifiable pride in what our schools and colleges have historically accomplished and contributed to the United States and the well-being of its people, the educational foundations of our society are presently being eroded by a rising tide of mediocrity that threatens our very future as a Nation and a people.” The SAT scores since since 1967 clearly document the decline and … Read More

ECF Help Page

Support for Parents, Educators, and the Community For Tennessee citizens who want to see students and schools excel, the Education Consumers Foundation provides helpful information on measuring both school and student performance. For those interested in pursuing improved student and/or school performance based on this information, the links below should serve as a starting point. Books by Elaine McEwan Former educator and administrator Elaine McEwan has written several books on school leadership and improvement. These include: Ten Traits of Highly Successful Schools: … Read More

State Performance in Connecticut

posted in: General Information

Connecticut: Comparing schools and districts based on student proficiency The information below reflects the most recent data available to us; please contact us with questions or to request additional analyses. Analysis: Comparing schools and districts on third grade proficiency in reading and math Available charts: Poverty versus 3rd grade reading proficiency rates (2023) Poverty versus 3rd grade reading proficiency rates (2022) Poverty versus 3rd grade reading proficiency rates (2019) Poverty versus 3rd grade reading proficiency rates (2018) Poverty versus 3rd … Read More

Tennessee releases 2012 district-level TCAP data

posted in: General Information

The Tennessee Department of Education has released 2012 TCAP results at the district level; ECF has posted that data in the form of an interactive chart comparing poverty versus reading proficiency in grades 3-8, as well as in PDF charts for East, Middle, and West Tennessee. The state will soon be releasing school-level performance data; stay tuned for ECF charts once that information is available.

Direct Instruction Resources

For those interested in learning more about DI The Education Consumers Foundation has made available a great deal of information for those wishing to see real and dramatic improvements in reading proficiency rates. The resources below will help educators, legislators, school board leaders and others to learn more about Direct Instruction.   DI Policy Briefing Progress in reading proficiency rates has stalled: Tennessee has seen a move of just three points (on a 500-point scale) over the past … Read More

Basic Image Gallery Post

posted in: General Information

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas sit amet fermentum dolor, et consectetur elit. Sed gravida dui ac lobortis pretium. Quisque in ante tellus. Nulla facilisi. In vel enim a est faucibus tempus sit amet elementum nisi. Sed eget libero non neque egestas dictum. Integer in arcu facilisis, rhoncus massa nec, facilisis mi. Vivamus aliquet tortor eget convallis egestas. Fusce semper nunc sed est egestas, a pellentesque enim laoreet. Aenean accumsan nunc diam, vel suscipit ante … Read More

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