Basic Image Gallery Post

posted in: General Information

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas sit amet fermentum dolor, et consectetur elit. Sed gravida dui ac lobortis pretium. Quisque in ante tellus. Nulla facilisi. In vel enim a est faucibus tempus sit amet elementum nisi. Sed eget libero non neque egestas dictum. Integer in arcu facilisis, rhoncus massa nec, facilisis mi. Vivamus aliquet tortor eget convallis egestas. Fusce semper nunc sed est egestas, a pellentesque enim laoreet. Aenean accumsan nunc diam, vel suscipit ante … Read More

School Performance Map

posted in: General Information

The Education Consumers Foundation has produced an interactive map of Tennessee showing the location of Tennessee schools with information on achievement, growth, and poverty on a county-by-county basis.

School Districts Ranked by Teacher Effectiveness

posted in: Data Scoreboards

In Tennessee and a few other states, teacher effectiveness can be assessed on the basis of the student achievement gains of their students.  ECF has a chart that ranks school districts by the effectiveness of their teaching staff.  Selective teacher hiring and retention policies can produce a profile with a high proportion of exceptionally effective teachers. Although there are exceptions like the reports that were undertaken by the Los Angeles Times, value added performance data for individual teachers is rarely available to … Read More

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