ECF has numerous tools to help keep you informed. Check out the links below for more detailed reports and articles.

Direct Instruction: What the Research Says

A list of the primary studies and meta-analyses regarding Direct Instruction, including a discussion of controversial findings.

[small_button text=”Direct Instruction Research” title=”Direct Instruction Research Article” url=”/pdf//DI_Research.pdf” align=”left” target=”_blank” style=”light”]


A Bibliography of the Direct Instruction Curriculum & Studies Examining its Efficacy

Studies involving Direct Instruction curricula and its implementation have been conducted with a wide variety of populations, in different settings, and within all subject areas related to the programs. This report from the National Institute for Direct Instruction (NIFDI) provides citations to many of these studies.

[small_button text=”Direct Instruction Bibliography” title=”Direct Instruction Bibliography Article” url=”/pdf//Reference%20List%2010.07.11..pdf” align=”left” target=”_blank” style=”light”]


Issues in Public Education: Research and Analysis

Brings to light the underlying conflicts of interest and their impact on what the public is given to understand about educational research findings.

[small_button text=”Issues in Public Education” title=”Issues in Public Education:Research & Analysis” url=”/research-areas/education-research/issues-public-education-research-analysis/” align=”left” target=”_self” style=”light”]


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