
First Place, Middle Division, Elementary Schools

Melva Stricklin, Principal
2417 Maplecrest Drive
Nashville, TN 37214
Davidson County Schools
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Recipe For Success:

Everyone is waiting to hear Stanford’s big secret; what do we do that makes us a high performing school.  Chefs will tell you that it’s not one secret ingredient, but the right combination of several common ingredients and the care that goes into the preparation, that make a good dish. Stanford’s recipe uses just the right combination of common educational ingredients, plus a lot of caring, to give a good outcome.

Our first ingredient is our staff. Custodians to certificated personnel support our mission to do whatever is best for the child. With a smile and a kind word to students who need it, our custodians keep the school clean and a pleasant place to be. The office staff greets everyone with a smile and customer friendly attitude. Highly certified, talented teachers expect the exceptional from their students and work toward gaining success for them. These talented professionals prepare classrooms filled with fun, laughter, and learning. Teacher morale is high, and turnover is low.

The Montessori philosophy and method is the powerful second ingredient. Combining state and district initiatives with Maria Montessori’s philosophy of following the child and using hands-on materials requires an exceptional balancing act. Materials begin with concrete and move towards abstract concepts. In a Montessori classroom one size does not fit all. Multi-age classrooms allow students to hear lessons above grade level. It allows students to work at challenging levels, or drop down to review a skill that isn’t mastered yet.

The icing on the cake is the phenomenal parental support for Stanford programs. From the beginning of the year to the end, our parents are led by a very active PTO. We ask that each family contribute thirty-six volunteer hours a year, and then we proceed to tell them what activities count as volunteer hours. It can be anything from eating lunch with their child to working in their child’s class garden. Our parents love to be at their child’s school. They not only feel welcome but appreciated.

Talented staff, using the Montessori philosophy, methods, and materials, and great support from parents is our recipe. It’s the right combination of ingredients for our success.