Third Place, Middle Division, K-8/Middle Schools
Jon Hubble , Principal
713 Ramsey Street
Nashville, TN 37206
Davidson County Schools
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Recipe For Success:
When developing a school vision, pay attention to and utilize good research. When the wheel has been invented already, there isn’t much need to invent it again.
- Correlates of Effective Schools (Lezotte)
- What Works in Schools (Marzano)
Create a master schedule that maximizes instruction time and provides opportunities for teachers to collaborate.
- Utilize blocks of time to integrate subject matter which helps make curricular connections
- Common Planning (Minimize cross teaming to allow for more effective collaboration.)
Develop a discipline plan through stakeholder collaboration that minimizes disruption to the learning environment.
- Responsible, Respectful and Resourceful Citizens
- Progressive Discipline
Communicate high expectations every chance you get.
- Websites
- School-wide posters
- Weekly e-mail to staff and parents
- Teacher e-mails to stakeholders
Provide parents with opportunities to be part of the school success.
- Strong Parent Teacher Organization
- Volunteering and Visibility
- Collaboration in School-wide decision-making
Provide data and opportunities for discussion about data.
Utilize instruction that addresses learning styles.
Monitor progress. (Assessment data, school initiatives)
Provide opportunities for teachers across grade-levels to attend professional development that will assist with common professional language. When teachers of different grade levels attend together, the staff bond becomes stronger and vertical teaming is enriched.
Remember that teachers are the people who are making the recipe work!