Second Place, East Division, Elementary Schools
Jennifer Malone, Principal
423 Hickory Creek Road
Lenoir City, TN 37771
Loudon County Schools
Recipe For Success:
Student learning is at the heart of everything we do at Eaton Elementary. We believe that learning is transformed when the use of technology fundamentally changes the way the children communicate and collaborate locally and globally. It is our responsibility to ensure technology adds to the richness of the curriculum, engages and motivates students, and becomes an integral part of the learning environment that prepares our students for citizenship, college, and career. Students today thrive in a multimedia world of television, Internet, iPods, and video games. To compete, we have outfitted classrooms with active boards and student computers (in tandem with an intense professional development program). The consistent and pervasive use of technology throughout the curriculum provides students with life skills to be technology literate as they progress through the educational system and then on to work.
We believe in high expectations for all students. Eaton teachers have in place instructional strategies that promote thinking and problem solving skills. These thinking skills are explicitly taught as part of the daily lessons utilizing the Learning Focused framework. The school schedule has been designed to give teaching teams a common 45-minute planning time each day. Individual student needs are addressed through differentiated instruction, continuous pre- and post- assessment, and project based learning. Academic safety nets (three intervention teachers) are in place to help students who struggle with particular skills. In addition, there is a strong focus, based on disaggregated data, to make sure our highest achieving students (often an overlooked group) make the same learning gains as their peers. Advanced math classes, literature study groups, and vertical teaming allows students to receive instruction at a higher grade level. We believe in full inclusion for our special needs students and provide additional Para-professionals to meet IEP needs in the regular classroom.
A wide variety of special area classes round out our offerings with rotational instruction in technology, Spanish, music, art, physical education, guidance, and library. We believe that students achieve greater success when teachers, parents and the community work together. Our PTA is very active and strongly supports the educational program. They provide volunteers and fund the technology program for our school.